Sunday, July 22, 2007

Haida Marathon Success!

I am pleased that I successfully completed the Totem to Totem marathon in Haida Gwaii this past weekend! The race started at 7:30 am Saturday, from the newly opened Haida cultural centre just west of Skidegate. We ran through the village of Skidegate, up the coast road to St. Maryś spring, and returned the same way. There was absolutely no one watching the start, finish, or interim parts of the marathon. It was to be run for the sheer love of running.

The weather was perfect, with the sky clouded over and a light tail wind on the way out. There were about 12 people in the marathon, and 2 in the half-marathon. One local chap ended up in hospital after not eating for 23 of the 26 miles. The rest of us finished, in some degree of pain or another. We recovered shortly afterwards, and hoped to compete as a team in the war canoe races in the famous Bill Reid canoe, though the races were eventaully canceled due to rough seas.

In the marathon, I am pleased to say I ran a best ever time, clocking in at 3:43. That is 3 minutes off my Vancouver marathon time! I placed 2nd in the womenś category, and 4th overall.

I really enjoyed the solitude of running on my own for that long, compared with the noise and chaos of Vancouver and other big city marathons.

The race organizers (Running Room, Skidegate Band, and Indian Affairs) are thinking of eventually putting on an 100 km ultra, running from Masset to Skidegate. Now that, Iĺl sign up for. They are also thinking of adding a shorter race, to get more local involvement.

Howa Haida Gwaii for the great time, and long may you and all Bouviers run!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Haida Gwaii Work Perk!

Sadly no bouviers here, but I'm very lucky to be spending the week in Haida Gwaii, for work! Most people are not lucky enough to get to places to this in their lifetime, so to get here for work is really lucky.

The highlight of my trip will be participating in the first annual Haida Marathon on Saturday. So far, there are 11 of us who are intending to run. Geez, I sure don't want to come last. Entry includes a feast, a technical shirt, and participation in the canoe races in the afternoon. These are big, big Haida carved canoes. I hope I have enough left to try out the canoes!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dear China, What's Going On!

BEIJING (AP) - Chopped cardboard, softened with an industrial chemical and made tasty with pork flavouring, is a main ingredient in batches of steamed buns sold in one Beijing neighbourhood, state television said. Squares of cardboard picked from the ground are first soaked to a pulp in a plastic basin of caustic soda - a chemical base commonly used in manufacturing paper and soap - then chopped into tiny morsels with a cleaver. Fatty pork and powdered seasoning are stirred in.

Why not try out this exciting recipe next time you have friends over. Just think, you could save up to .99 cents on hamburger buns at your next BBQ!

Am I Just Old?

Last night three young people from the skateboard crowd exited the bar across the street and came and sat on my front lawn. One of them took a container out of his pocket, opened it up, and each of them inhaled something up the nose. They went back across the street and shared more with people outside the restaurant.

So, what kind of drugs are the youngsters taking these days that they inhale? Is this the same as drinking was to us in our day, or is this more concerning?

Holy Bouviers its Warm!

So, we're in a Vancouver style heat wave. It's been around 30 c the past few days, and people in Vancouver find that really hot. I guess to each person "hot" is a relative concept, so coming from Ontario, I really don't find it hot. In Ottawa the 30+ heat is accompanied by an oppressive humidity which hangs in the air for a week at a time, with no cool breeze from the ocean to cool it down at nights. In Ottawa you sweat when you walk outside, you put air conditioning units in your windows, and you generally suffer. I don't like the Ontario heat, but I do like the cute warm weather we've had this week in Vancouver.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Innocent Bou Vicitmized!

I am sad to report that the bouvier was the vicitim of a fierce attack by a neighbourhood coward. As we waited at the stoplight at Yew and Cornwall, a large dog also sitting at the light noticed Teddy and lunged at him teeth bared to the wind. A fragile Teddy fell to the ground as the beast raged a top until the owner was able to pry it off. Luckily the Bou sports a thick coat these days, and the beast was only able to get one notable tooth piercing into him. He was a little shaken after the incident since of course he had no idea how to respond - completely unaware he is capable of similar rage, furry and injury! I gave him a big hug and we returned home where he insisted on cuddling. The courageous Bou is now resting and doing well. Gifts and money will be accepted in lieu of condolences. Thanks in advance for your generous contributions.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Geez We're Spoiled

Today I rented a kayak and went out for about 2.5 hours with Guy, from Jericho Beach. The tide was at it's furthest, creating sandy peninsulas as far out into the water as I've ever seen. The beaches were full of people as it was a beautiful sunny day, and the water was full of boats. Kayaking was a nice alternative to running after my exhausting day yesterday. Vancouver is a fabulous city for my lifestyle (the Bou's too). Here is a pic of me out in the water today.

Fully Knackered!

So, I decided to test my foot running half the Knee Knacker with my KK running group. It took 4.25 hours, there was a lot of snow and a lot of trees which had fallen across the trail in the winter and which remain. My foot was better than I expected, but I was more tired at the end than I would like to be 2 weeks before the race. I still have to make a final decision on whether to run the KKNSTR, but I'm leaning towards doing it. It's all about suffering, so a sore foot seems just part of the game.

The bouvier did not run the half-KK today. He stayed home looking cute.