Sunday, December 21, 2008

Will I Ever Run Again?

Today marks 3 weeks since I ran the Seattle Marathon. I have not run a step since Seattle. I hope to want to run again, but I haven't yet. I did get an inkling of it today so I think it'll come back. In the meantime, I'm relaxing and skiing. Perhaps I ran too much.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not For Running

I don't buy shoes often, just one or two pairs a year, but when I do get a new pair I make sure they are good shoes so my feet will be happy and healthy. Bad shoes can ruin your feet and limit your running. With that excuse in mind, please let me introduce you to my new shoes:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Seattle Marathon - Check

Bouvier and I rocked Seattle on the weekend, as did AC/DC!

We attended the awesome city for the Seattle Marathon, resting comfortably for the two nights at the Westin Seattle, right downtown and on the marathon route. There were awesome restaurants (funky and nice), shops, scenery, the market, and the fun of staying in the same hotel as most runners and as AC/DC who were playing there on the weekend. Bouvier made good friends with one of the road crew, and one of the singers who was staying on our floor.

On Friday night we had a decadent dinner at a funky diner across from the hotel. I ate too much diner, had too much desert, drank too much wine, and woke up Saturday feeling icky. Hung-over we wandered the town and slept much of Saturday, then met up with my friends Allison and Ramsey for dinner. Allison would be running the marathon as well, and Ramsey the half.

Sunday morning came and I was feeling ok. I got up early for breaky so that I'd be able to recycle it and feed the fish prior to running. At about 7:30 we walked the 1 mile down 5th avenue from the hotel to the start line, arriving about 20 minutes before the race start. It was really nice to attend a relatively small event (there were about 2,500 in the marathon and about 7,000 in the half) after the circus of Boston which was my last marathon.

I started out comfortably, but according to my GPS I was running too fast. I tried to slow myself but couldn't. I maintained a really good pace for the first 30k or so, and was on pace for a 3:40 marathon. The last 10k is always tough and I knew there were a couple hills, and that I'd slow. But in reality, the last 10k was super hilly for a road marathon and I suffered greatly. I was really disappointed on a steep hill to see theh 3:45 pace bunny pass me by. I pleaded with him not to pass me, but pass me he did.

In the end, I finished in 3:46 (chip time) which was a bit slower than I hoped for, but it was an ok time nonetheless. I had an awesome finishing kick sprinting down the astro turf of the football stadium. The Marathon web site promply posts an incredible variety of info for each runner. You can see mine here and it show me that although I really suffered in the second half, I actually passed 148 people, while only 42 passed me. I finished 9th out of 95 in my age group, and was the 86th woman out of almost 700.

Through the last 10k I really questioned why the heck I do this, and promised myself "never again"! A few days later that sentiment is fading, but as I watch the attached video clip, I am brought back to the agony of the moment. Although the course was tough, it was also really nice and a great course for friends and family to watch from. I highly recommend this marathon for those who appreciate the pain and gain of a marathon experience. I may try another one. I could even try Seattle again. Bouvier really liked all the attention and fuss about him at the Westin and will undoubtedly insist we return again.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bouvier Ready to Rock Seattle!

Well, it's almost time. On Sunday I'll be running the Seattle Marathon. I have not recovered properly since crashing and burning after my 34.5km run two weekends ago, so am a little concerned, but hope to at least run in the 3:45 range if not get the PB I was hoping for a few weeks back. I think what I've learned is to build up and run, rather than building up and trying to sustain it and then run. In short, more of the big runs closer to the date next time. All good learning for my redemption run at Boston, which is next up on the marathon schedule after Seattle.

Anywho, Bouvier and Guy are coming to Seattle with me, so it'll be a nice weekend away regardless. We're staying at the Seattle Westin, with a "view" room and a Heavenly Dog Bed for Bouvier. Next post will be post run, so see ya on the dark side of the moon!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Last Long Run

Yesterday I did my last long run before the Seattle Marathon, in 2.5 weeks time. I ran 34.5 km on a very difficult course which had a 6km climb in the middle of it, and ended with another 6km climb up Mountain Highway to home. It was a tough run and was really hard to get through.

Everytime I wanted to quit, I had to remind myself that if I didn't do my long run now, I'd have to do it on the weekend.

I think I found it so hard because my legs were probably tired from the race on Saturday, and because of the difficulty of the route I selected. My longer runs of 37 and 50km in weeks past were easier for me, so I'll hope for that feeling in Seattle. This picture is me during a chat break on my 50k, and how I'll try to remember to feel when running Seattle - relaxed, happy, and just having a good time.

From here on in, I'll just do shorter (less than 20k) runs, and a couple of interval sessions. This is the most prepared I've felt for a marathon - I'm actually looking forward to running and seeing how I can do.

Bouvier is doing well these days too, and is happy I'm done my long run so I can spend extra time giving him belly rubs and treats! He's such a spoiled little beast. By the way, he turned 13 last week! Happy Birthday Teddy!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Yesterday I ran as part of an 8 woman team in the Haney to Harrison 100km relay. Our team was called the North Shore Divas - all but one of us being from the North Shore. This is our team, including our crew people, Ward and Mark.

It was a very rainy day, but we managed to keep warm and safe and complete the epic relay in 49th place of the 350 teams that started. Not bad since most teams were comprised of men or were mixed. There were only 18 teams comprised soley of women, and we were 6th out of those 18. Again, the competition was fierce, with several teams affiliated with track clubs - a level of seriousness above us.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Guess What I Did?

Saturday was a beautiful fall day. A beautiful sunrise amid some big clouds led to a crisp day of sunshine and temperatures in the low to mid-teens. So, what's a girl to do but run. This is a picture of me during my 50 km run on Saturday!

50 km is my furthest distance ever on the road. I ran in the Club Fat Ass Seawall 100 miler. Yup, a 100 mile run on pavement. Only one person attempted the full distance, overcome by a bout of sanity and abandoning after about 14 hours and about 70 miles!

My running time was 4:44, with my marathon split being 3:55. My pace was comfortable and easy, just out enjoying the day. I wasn't pushing it at all, and really wanted to go further than 50, but decided it best to save my legs for Seattle. I ran into Millie, Bax, and their dad along the way, out for a stroll on the seawall, and also helped to capture a run away beagle in the west end! You may recall that my Boston time was 3:58, so even my easy long runs are faster than that painful experience at Boston.
My 50 km has given me the confidence to have a Seattle objective of a PB. My best so far is 3:43 at Haida Gwaii, but I think I'm ready to better that (and maybe even go sub-3:40!). Bouvier will be joining me in Seattle, where he'll wait for me in his "heavenly bed" in our view suite at the Westin Hotel.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rainy Thanksgiving Day

Today I kept it mellow and just ran a 5km to shake out my legs from yesterday. Lucky me, I wasn't even feeling yesterday! It's sure a good feeling to have a weekend day to spend, knowing you did a big run yesterday so don't hae to go crazy today.

I also finished up a weekend shopping spree with a bag of puchases at Banana. My new job requires a slightly more polished wardrobe than the job I had for the past couple years, so I put a good dent in getting that new wardrobe this weekend.

Finally, had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with my dad and brother Hugh at Rain City Grill. Bovier continues to struggle onwards :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long May I Run.....

What do you have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend? I'm thankful for the beautiful, sunny, crisp fall day that was bestowed upon us here in the lower mainland. It was a day made for I had to make the most of it. Today I ran from Brookbank Street in North Vancouer, across the Second Narrows, along the harbourside in Vancouver heading downtown, around the seawall, across the Lion's Gate Bridge, and back through North Van to my car. I ran a total of 37km!! Yeah!!!

That is the longest run I've done since Boston, and the second longest since my marathon in Haida Gwaii last August (14 months ago). I'm feeling good. Great in fact. Better, stronger and more confident than I've felt running, maybe ever. That said, I retain my humility and acknowledge my vulnerability - at my age an injury can happen at any moment. I fully appreciate how lucky I am to be able to run as I do.

The one problem I'm having is that I have a new model of Mizuno shoes, as my previous ones were heavier and heavy duty on the control. My feet slide around in my new shoes and I may have bruised my toenails today. (incidentally, bouvier also has a toenail problem, which has cost me about $800.00 so far!) Mizuno decided last year to give into the expanding US market and widen their shoes, so they're just too wide for me. I've tried Asics (got injured) and Nike (got injured) recently. Mizuno seems best, except for this width thing, which really sucks, so, looks like I'll have to head to the running store tomorrow for a trying on shoes session.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Seattle or Sacramento?

So, it's been a while since I've posted anything to my blog. (Bouvier borrowed my disposible thumbs and held them hostage all summer, so I've not been able to type). I guess last time you heard from me I was on my way to Boston. Well, Boston was fabulous - a great experience for any runner. I really liked the city too. We stayed in a hotel next to the T (subway) so could get around quickly. The city seems like a permanent fun zone. In the 5 days I was there there we 2 hockey games, 2 baseball games, a basketball game, the women's olympic marathon trials, and of course the Boston Marathon. (Pics are just pretty, nothing to do with the conent of this post).

My run was hindered by a calf pull I suffered 6 weeks prior. The calf pull meant I could hardly run leading up to Boston. I think I did 3 runs (up to 10k) and in those 6 weeks, and two run/walk sessions at the track. Not the training you want leading up to Boston. Well, I ran regardless and it hurt like hell. I was in pain at 20k and it just got worse. As I turned the corner for the last 300m down Boylston Street, I stopped and walked. It didn't seem possible to do another 300m. I walked a bit and then ran, and ran across the line. I ended up running 3:58 which is 15 minutes shy of what I'd normally run.

It took me about 45 minutes to find my way out of the finishing chute and to find Guy. He helped me back to the hotel, about 2km walk away, and ran me a bath which did my legs wonders. But, my legs were in bad shape. They've never been so sore. I was not able to sit down. I had to stand to pee for a few days. I'd never run so unprepared again. I did it for Boston since that could have been my only time to ever run Boston, but I'd never again run so unprepared.

In the end, I move up an age group next year and only need to run 4h to qualify...which I did despite the difficulty at Boston, so I'm in again and heading back next year to attack that Heartbreak Hill.

So, I'm registered for Boston in April. I've been working up my mileage to run a marathon in late fall, to regin my confidence for Boston. I'm feeling really strong with my running and in a couple weeks plan to run 40-50k in a Club Fat Ass run, to regain my confidence. Aside from that I'll start working on my speed and be ready to try Boston again. I did some good trail running this summer, an awsome backpacking trip, and have been cycle commuting to work, so feel strong. Still, Bouvier thinks I have to lose a few pounds to perform optimally.

So, for a late fall marathon I'm thinking of either Seattle or Sacraento. Seattle is much easier logistically, being a short drive away, but Sacramento seems a better scene, likely better weather, a fast course, and a city I've never seen. I'm leaning towards Sacramento, and Bouvier wants me to do Sacramento, but do let me know which you think I should do.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

One Week To Boston

One week and counting! I'm excited and confident I can do Boston regardless of my nagging calf strain. I did a 7.5 and a 6 km run on the weekend and felt ok, so am confident my leg is getting better and I'll make it through Boston -- hopefully well ahead of Katie Holmes!

We fly to Boston on Thursday and are staying at the Continental Hotel. It is brand new, very nice, and about 2 km from the finish line. On Friday I'll get my number and race package, and on Saturday I hope to take a bus tour of the course. Sunday will be full rest and relaxation, perhaps even a facial, and Monday is show time. The longterm weather forecast looks promising, with weather in the 50s or so.

Bouvier will be staying home, he's not a fan of flying. The one time Bouvier did fly, which was coming out to Vancouver, the plane had an aborted take off in Toronto so I think it was a rather traumatic experience for the little Bouvier. He'll be well cared for at home at 6 Cedars - pictured here:

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Two Weeks To Boston

Well, in just two weeks from tomorrow I'll be off and running the streets of Boston in the world's most famous foot race. There will be 25,000 of us at the starting line. I'll be in a pen with all the other people who ran my qualifying time of 3:46. It'll make for an interesting experience starting with hundreds of others who are the exact same pace of runners.

After much effort, I've selected my Boston outfit. Here is the Bouvier showing it:

I went for the colour blue to refelct the fact I'm a bit blue because I pulled my calf muscle two weeks ago and will be able to do little or no running the month prior to the big race. I'll be doing some test running today to see if it has recovered yet. It's probably not the worst race to go into a bit injured since "no one runs a PB at Boston" anyways, and it's probably the race you can get through completely on adrenaline.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Going To Boston, Baby

Well folks, it seems time for me to admit that I am running the Boston Marathon in a few short weeks. I'd like to blame the Bouvier, but in reality it was my choice. I registered for Boston in a moment of insanity or desperation last fall.

Because hotels fill up so quickly up to a year before the Boston Marathon, I had to make a snap decision to run last fall when I heard a lot of hotels were already full. So I committed the $150.00 entry fee, made a reservation and deposit at a ritzy Boston hotel, and booked my points flight. None of these choices came with a refund option should I choose not to run, so before I was ready to train or contemplate whether it would be physically prudent to attempt Boston, it became financially imprudent to bail out. So, I'm going to Boston, baby!

(Bouvier will not be going to Boston, he'll be resting quietly here in "The Valley" with his new nanny, circling the house for exercize, peeing on our six cedars, and dining on wild salmon, herring and organic broccoli stalks.)

To get ready for Boston I've been training with the NSA marathon clinic. We do long runs on Sundays, intervals on Tuesdays, and mile repeats at race pace on Thursdays. I did my longest run so far this past Sunday (33k) and felt good. I ran most of it at race pace, that being on pace for a 3:45ish marathon finish - which would make me quite happy as everyone seems to say "you don't PB at Boston" you just go for the atmosphere and experience. (Truth be told, I'm going to see what it's like to stay in a $500 per night hotel room - don't worry, Boston runners get a good discount!).

For a bit of an adreneline rush to get reved up for Boston, I did the Dirty Duo 25k trail race a few weekends ago. It was my first trail run of the season, so trial by gnarley trail was the order of the day. I started out slowly, but felt good and picked it up half way thorugh. True to form I ran up the long gradual hill that is the Old Buck Trail, and picked off many who chose the power walk option. I was, in the end, the 7th woman finisher and was quite pleased with my day. Even moreso I was pleased that my foot didn't hurt, as it was my foot which curtailed my trail running last year even forcing me to withdraw from the Kneeknacker. (On the positive side, it was my foot related abandonment of trail running last year which got me onto the road and which resulted in me qualifying for Boston and thus this blog. There is a positive side to everything if we care to look for it).

I am planning to do one or two more big runs before Boston, with the longest probably being in the 38km range. I'll be heading to Boston with Guy 4 days prior to the race in order to de-jet lag, preview the course, and feel the vibe of the marathon. On race day, Bouvier willing, I'll complete the world's most famous foot race! What more is there to say. I'm going to Boston.